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Understand Your Client's Sales Tax Exposure in Minutes

Peper's economic nexus tool enables sales tax consultants to quickly analyze their client's transaction data and generate a nexus report with all the information needed to help guide them toward compliance.

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How Peper Makes Economic Nexus Analysis a Breeze

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No more wasted time manipulating your clients' invoice and transaction datasets

Peper can easily combine multiple datasets and use various algorithms to analyze your clients' invoice/transaction data. Our import tool automatically converts a wide range of address/date formats into usable values for your nexus report.

Peper can interpret any zip code, state abbreviation, state name, or full address line item value and transform it into its correct state. All common date formats are supported when determining the invoice/transaction dates.

Automatic nexus analysis and exposure calculations

Using the statutory lookback period for each state, Peper will automatically analyze your clients' datasets and calculate the type of nexus that's triggered, nexus creating activity date, and registration dates that consider each state's unique grace periods.


Taking into account exemptions applied to the datasets, Peper will calculate how much sales tax liability is owed in each state as well as how much your client can save by doing a Voluntary Disclosure Agreement.



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Auto-generated PDF reports that you can send directly to your client

After completing the nexus analysis, Peper will generate a professional-looking PDF report you can send to your client. The PDF report will include all the relevant information related to your clients' nexus activity and exposure in each state.


You can also include any next steps and notes directly on the report to communicate any follow-up projects that might be necessary.

See Peper in Action

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How it Works


Upload your client's financial data

Import your clients' invoice and transaction data via our import tool. Peper automatically combines multiple datasets and analyzes the data to find each line item's state, date, and amount.


Review each nexus triggering state and provide feedback

After all the data is imported, specify which states have a physical presence and are already filing sales tax. Once the setup is complete, Peper will provide a breakdown of which states triggered nexus and an estimate of how much is owed. You can add any notes or follow-up projects needed for each state


Apply any exemptions to the datasets

Peper allows you to apply exemptions directly to the data. You can mark a line item as one of the following: product exemption, customer exemption, marketplace facilitator, or wholesale/resale. These exemptions will be used for both the nexus and exposure calculations.


Send an autogenerated report to your client to review

Once the nexus analysis is complete, Peper allows you to download all the data via Excel to be used for your own report or you can use our autogenerated PDF report that you can directly to your client.

The First Two Weeks Are On Us

Get started today and start generating high quality nexus studies.

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